Let me keep it simple

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Angel of Death

Caricature of Angel of Death

If I knew the day I die I would ask God to add me a few more years just like he did to Ezekiel. Since I ain't that holy, that means I can’t know the day of my demise. If I knew I would prepare in advance to scuttle the chances of ever going six feet under if I don’t make it to the age of majority otherwise the rest is bonus.

The youth never think that death is beckoning. To them, life is full of pleasure and the thought of death is never in their diction. The only point they encounter death is when their close friends or peeps or a relative dies. When other people kick the bucket, in their opine this is normal as long as it does not affect them.

Every minute someone dies. Someone else somewhere is on the brink of death and fighting for dear life. Does death have to be this painful? It really makes us remember that our stay on this earth is only a season. No one knows his time. To some it comes abrupt and accidentally. Others get sick and succumb while a few die at old age.

Sometimes I usually wish I would live to the age of the likes of Adam and Methuselah. I would be 500 years and thinking like a 30 year old. At thirty, I would have thought of either being a million dollar business man of repute owning or running a blue chip fortune 500 company. I would probably have made a good fortune then and need not to think about making money. In fact I would have been struggling for self actualization.

But since people can’t live to reach 900, it means one has to make hay while the sun shines before grim reaper descends and takes your life. When you are no longer in the world, you will always be remembered. The kind of people who remember you do matter a lot. Remember you don’t want just to be remembered for nothing. 

Some people are usually remembered for being the most outstanding sots, others having made a mark in either the academia, medicine, sports or any profession that there is. Others still become the most violent thugs who have gangs that even the average cop can’t think of tackling head on.

Gangs remind me that the youth are more susceptible to join them. Recent and past statistics shows that people of youthful age are the ones who break into houses, kidnap, and engage in acts of terror that are surely very risky. They are also the culprits who mug and snatch petty items from those walking on the streets.

Does God send his angel of death to us when our time comes to come and take us to our resting place? Jesus, the son of man did die in his youth. But he had to die to save man. If Jesus did fear death and He was part of the Holy Trinity, who am I not to.

Every time frustrations and depression set in when I am not making ends meet in whichever venture I engage in, suicidal feelings do apprehend. I usually imagine the way the world would react especially when I close my eyes. Then I remember that I have a lot that I need to achieve and the pleasures of the world that I am yet to enjoy. These pursuits make me change my mind knowing that the world is not static and there is usually a way out of any quagmire.

So do the Angels of Death exist? That question has been mind boggling and has worried me long enough. I know none wants to make an early exit from this world. In fact, if there was a way a person could buy more time to live, then many would have done so especially the rich.

But the rich in a way can buy more time on earth as opposed to the poor. They are insured in the best hospitals, they don’t have to worry much about material needs and they are privy to some of most classified information that makes them want to continue living.

The destitute on the other hand sometimes have nothing to keep them going. They lack material possessions and live under the mercy of the government. As if that is not enough, if mild ailments attack, some having a weak immune system quickly succumb.



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