Let me keep it simple

Thursday 29 February 2024

Know your status in this life

How does it feel to have no facial hair as a man? High five!  The beardless gang need not concern themselves with the hassle required to be in tip-top shape. You lucky ducks don't have to deal with the whole beard drama: ingrown hairs, dry skin, itchiness, or patchy hair growth. Just keep your scalp hair lookin' good, and that's it! You rock if you are equally blessed with baldness or hair that remains below a predetermined threshold.

Man, this world is super materialistic, you know? Like, you have to engage in daily labour to make ends meet, just to cover your basic needs and perhaps splurge on a few ones that pop up because of what society expects. 

Don't stress about those who inherit wealth from their ancestors; it's not like they can freely spend on whatever they fancy. Most likely, their predecessors had some foresight and engaged estate planners to prevent them from squandering their hard-earned fortune. Thus, they need to be cautious in their expenditures to ensure the preservation of wealth for upcoming generations.

Despite having a guaranteed basic income and social status, individuals in this position must actively seek opportunities to grow their wealth. Otherwise, they might need to settle for the modest earnings they currently receive, as inherited wealth tends to be protective against extravagant expenditures.

Over the past weekend, I had the opportunity to engage in a pep talk, and a notable takeaway was the emphasis placed on financial success, which I find problematic. In contemporary times, there's a universal notion that success is often measured by one's financial capacity and the ability to make significant investments. The verbatim is that money talks.

A common belief across socioeconomic classes is that increased wealth directly correlates to a superior life. Another dangerous assumption. This materialistic fixation influences social dynamics, with families often prioritizing financial security over other factors in potential partners. It's common for fathers not to want their daughters to marry men who have nothing. Placing so much pressure on would-be suitors. A fellow online said that love does not exist in marriage. If you are a penniless fellow, beware; your chances of enjoying a royal life are slim if you don't work extra hard.

For example,  consider a scenario of a parent with a child in a high-cost private school. The reality is that if you have financial means, you will be favored. Schools are well aware of this dynamic, and they tend to prioritize parents who readily align with them when faced with new monetary demands. In such situations, the consensus of a few influential parents is often sufficient to approve proposals. The onus is given to parents who align with the institution's stance. Other less assertive parents are expected to fall in line, concurring merely because it is the anticipated response. And in most cases, "shape up or ship out."

The proverb goes, "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." Which emphasizes the importance of education. It's important to acknowledge that success in the real world is influenced by a couple of factors beyond academic credentials. Yet, there are many smart and educated folks out there who don't know how to earn money and end up being clowns and 'court jesters' for those who do. Still, many educated individuals contribute significantly to society through diverse pursuits, while others pursue financial goals through various means. The undeniable truth is that the elderly have accumulated wealth at the expense of the young. They are the ones who hold power and influence over the opportunities and outcomes of the younger generation.

The standard norm in our current society is that we have been biased to value individuals who can provide timely financial support to address pressing needs. We always have some financial challenges to overcome. Ideas are nice, but they don't pay the bills. If you don't have money to contribute, you might feel left out or ignored, because we value tangible results more than anything. There are instances where personal finances may not be readily available. However, if your position ensures a network of individuals capable of fundraising to support your objectives, it becomes essential to leverage this network effectively. It's why some people usually want to be influential.

People acquire their wealth through both legitimate and shady means. However, it's important to remember the saying, "A fool and his money are soon parted." Keep in mind that proposing ideas to someone with limited education and insufficient financial backing may not yield significant results unless your financial status demonstrates credibility. 

You can tell a wealthy man from a mile away. Just pay attention to the accolades and discussions of accomplishments from those who admire him. You'll be convinced in no time. The man's car, his home, his investments, and his kids' school are all signs of his success. Even the beverages stocked in his house serve as additional indicators of his affluence.

Every individual deserves to be treated with respect, irrespective of their background. It's unfair to silence someone who has earned his initial million. Our evaluation of ideas should be based on their merit, not the financial status of the person putting them forward.

I don't mean to be rude, but most of us haven't earned a million, myself included. The traditional expectation was to go to school and obtain a lucrative job afterward, and then your financial tribulations would be over. That doesn't work out in the current dispensation. Nevertheless, you have to remain optimistic and look for opportunities to improve your circumstances.

Despite our interactions with individuals of various financial backgrounds, one undeniable reality is that without financial resources, one must either follow the conventional route or adopt an aggressive approach, regardless of age, to earn money—whether the path chosen is questionable or honest. Ultimately, money tends to attract friends and allies.

Hasta la vista, Baby.


Thursday 22 February 2024

Ready, Set, Checkbox! Do you have a Hack?

Is it true that music is what mathematics dreams of being? Surely, that is sweet melody for the cochlea. Otherwise, it would have been a calculation.

Where should I start? That's the lingering question at the back of my mind. The proverbial saying about curiosity and what led the feline astray comes to mind, but let's set that aside for now. A song can be fleeting or echo through generations. There are those tunes that hit you once, dazzle for a season, and then fade away like summer's fireflies. Their message became a fad, leaving you tapping your feet and nodding your head for a brief moment before moving on to other melodies. 

But there's another kind of song—the ageless kind. These melodies resonate across time, they defy trends and capture your heart with their timeless echo. They have become part of our collective memory, our playlist, woven into the fabric of our lives. Perhaps it's the lyrics, the tune, or the emotions they evoke—the reasons vary. Regardless, these songs remain etched in our souls long after other tunes have faded away.

Each of us is granted the same 24 hours in a day, and how we choose to spend that time defines our journey. Each sunrise ushers in the potential for new epiphanies, waiting to be unearthed through our active engagement with the world. Nature nurtures, and there's a distinct beauty in subtly achieving a goal without overt effort, as well as in allowing nature to take its course while you pursue your objectives. 

In recent weeks, I've been exploring the factors that distinguish consistently successful individuals from those in pursuit of excellence. It's not a matter of time, luck, or education; rather, it's the sheer determination to succeed that sculpts one's perspective on the world. Some achieve effortlessly, propelled by passion. Others face hurdles and have to "push through the wall," fueled by a calculated drive to overcome them. However, the fervor and fire in our hearts to overcome obstacles propels us to persistently push forward.

I'm the kind of person who revels in the spontaneity of my decisions. As much as I plan, it doesn't fit neatly into my schedule. It's the unexpected phone call to a friend, the impromptu detour through the park on a sunny afternoon while on a random walk, or the surprise visit to a relative. It's the little things that count.

Life, with its inherent unpredictability, offers an adventure in the unexpected outcomes of our actions. There's a natural inclination to be carefree. We are naturally wired to abhor obligation. More so, that which tends to be pushy. It's the reason we dislike bosses, who impose rules and regulations that seem to force us into a robotic mindset, even though, at times, such structure is necessary for progress. Many of us resist accountability, particularly when it is self-imposed. Our lives lack a clearly defined destination, and we don't meticulously plan every step of the way.

Listening to people's stories, it has become evident that incorporating "checkboxes" can serve as a valuable tool for assessing your progress. While I won't cite specific examples, it's clear that if you aspire to succeed, daily reminders about what you should do in your life are essential.

It's equally crucial to establish a foundation when starting from scratch, rather than simply picking up without a robust base to shield you from life's uncertainties. You can't afford to be rigid.

Some daily tasks may seem insignificant but contribute to the overall overarching objective. Additionally, there are short-term goals that need to be met. For instance, my weekly goal is to write a blog. However, I have not laid out a plan for the next 3 to 6 months about what to write since it would stifle my creative juices. On an annual scale, my goal is to have at least 50 posts, even if I take leave at the end of the year. I would have asked about yours if I were writing a motivational book. Am not!  

A couple of factors contribute to our success. Key among them is the ability to visualize if you are making any inroads or not. If you know you quit easily, then you need to work on your patience. Once you achieve a milestone, just tick that checkbox! 

I don't have a checklist, and I didn't plan to have one. This blog post has been a revelation. I need to have one.

I am the wishy-washy type! I thought I could write on weekends and have my article ready to post by Tuesday or Wednesday. But guess what? All I have now are vibes and "inshallah!"  I not only disregard routine; instead, I haphazardly follow my indecisively self-set preferences.

Most people don't like to be confronted by direct questions, especially from strangers. Yet if you ask, you gain insight into the lens through which they view the world and can empathize with their experiences. Sometimes, I yearn to be a curious questioner, engaging others in conversation and actively listening to their stories. People crave the opportunity to share their narratives rather than merely hearing someone else's opinion. After all, life without stories would be utterly devoid of meaning! 

Hasta La Vista, Baby.


Saturday 17 February 2024

A win is a win

Amidst all the challenges and obstacles in our lives, we all have an inherent desire to shine and excel in what we do. We want to achieve success and victory, and it is not easy to become the "absolute best" in a broad societal context. Imagine if we focused on incremental "wins" and celebrated each step forward as a contributing factor to our ultimate success. However, we are a microwave generation that strives for instant gratification, which overshadows the beauty of the journey itself.

But is it really important to be the crème de la crème in society? The perspective varies. The answer, as always, is...it depends!

Sometimes, you can achieve one-off excellence, feel a rush of excitement, and spark a sense of accomplishment. Which motivates you to consistently deliver impressive results and garner the admiration of others. While at it, you may push too hard and try to outshine everyone else. In the process, you might inadvertently offend or upset others and cross boundaries that should have been respected.

One of the perks of being at the top of your game is the admiration and respect you receive from those who look up to you. This recognition fuels your pride and bolsters your confidence, a testament to the fact that you have achieved more than others. As always, the higher you climb, the stronger the wind is against you. The flip side of triumph is that the pressure to stay ahead can be overwhelming. To uphold your status, you must cultivate unwavering resilience, a readiness to push boundaries and embrace pressure as a catalyst for continued growth.

Africa is home to more than a billion people, each with their own unique story. We want the world to lend us an ear and respect our voices. We want to shape our narrative and communicate our achievements and challenges in an African manner. Regrettably, historical prejudice and bias have hindered our ability to fully realize this aspiration. Consequently, there's a sense of resignation, accepting the distorted views as if to say, "Who cares?"

Africa is frequently generalized as a single entity, overlooking the vibrant spectrum of cultures and traditions across various countries. In Kenya, we take pride in our identity as a hub of innovation, yet our success stories are often relegated to the sidelines and fringes, rarely becoming the main focus. This tendency can stifle the recognition of potential ideas, hindering the broader acknowledgment of our accomplishments. Sadly, the script never changes. We are stereotyped as a dark continent with a promising future yet to be harnessed.

Transforming an idea into a widely accepted reality is a marathon, not a sprint. Each tweak and iteration of your idea provides invaluable lessons. The raw and incendiary aspect of our success stories is never documented. Even by ourselves.

As a country, Kenya is a trailblazer in mobile banking and tech startups. Our innovation mirrors the diversity of our backgrounds and experiences. We try to come up with solutions to our existential challenges. But every solution introduces new problems to address.

I realized a vice had gripped us, though on a small scale: the ingrained mentality to exploit systems rather than work within them to create positive change. Our innovative digital payment platform, designed to tackle community-specific issues, exemplifies this shift. By developing solutions tailored to our unique circumstances, we can break free and build a thriving, equitable society.

While we consistently strive to tailor our solutions to align with the daily challenges we encounter, substantial barriers hold us back. A significant portion of the population faces dire financial constraints, and there's a disconnect between skilled individuals and platforms that offer meaningful income opportunities.

There is a window of vile opportunity that has been created. Clever and intelligent individuals develop schemes to outsmart the system using various counterfeit and fraudulent applications. In my recent experience with my cousin, he demonstrated how Mpesa was manipulated through a message-sending app, which serves as a stark reminder of how vulnerable our systems are. 

He, among others, was a guinea pig in a racketing scheme that aimed to hoodwink recipients of cash. Mostly, we have to show the Mpesa message on our phone, and the recipient is satisfied.

When viewed on their phones, the message indicates that they've made the payment, even though, in reality, they haven't. Strikingly, this information does not appear on the recipient's phone. There is trust recipients have with an Mpesa message. In certain instances, deceptive apps created by individuals facilitate the transmission of messages to all parties involved, yet the recipient's account remains uncredited. Woe unto you, though, if you are caught.

In my cousin's case, I presumed that being a college student, he would likely return and boast to his peers about how he exploited the discovered loophole to outsmart the system. It proved successful in his situation.

Several days later, while on public transportation, the conductor instructed us to show him the payment confirmation message we had received, which he also counterchecked on his end. As I presented the message, it brought to mind my cousin and his questionable methods. In my mind, I wish I had the app my cousin had to try and put it into use.

The public transportation system we utilized was designed in such a manner that the conductor also had an application, enabling him to receive messages from passengers who made payments. This allowed him to verify whether each individual had paid the correct amount. And he was generous enough to show us the transactions that were done by all passengers.

I concluded that the strategy devised to combat chicanery had, to some extent, proven effective. Nevertheless, it is only a question of time before cunning individuals find a way to outsmart that system, as they are likely to achieve it in the long run.

Hasta La Vista Baby.


Thursday 8 February 2024

Whats in an education

Historically, attending school served as a stepping stone for navigating the established pathways toward employment and potentially, a normative and well-satiated domestic life.  In the current dispensation, the complexities of life may no longer reflect the diverse aspirations and realities of individuals today. Ideally, individual priorities and definitions of success have become more diverse.

This is how the educational system used to operate: your primary goal was simply to pass exams as a gateway to securing positions with prestigious private companies or the government. Knowledge acquisition was seen as a launchpad for a successful career.  That was the old model that promised smooth sailing. You would apply the knowledge you acquired, and your career would effortlessly ascend.

Times have changed; it appears that we neglected the importance of planning among other important facets of life. The absence of a well-thought-out plan has resulted in disappointment, and unfortunately, that is the reality for our generation. Consequently, new professions have emerged spontaneously, while others have become obsolete. Were we even prepared to be open-minded? Your guess is as good as mine.

The expectations for our upbringing were clear-cut and simple: academic excellence, adherence to norms, and a secure career equaled success and happiness. While this perspective continues to influence many, it's important to acknowledge the evolving definition of a meaningful life.

The world has undergone many transformations. While networking remains valuable, success requires more than just contacts.  However, hard work is essential. If you do not cultivate your skills, demonstrate competence, and embrace creativity you will remain stuck while others advance in their careers. Even if you are volunteering and offering your services for a song. Don't just blend in; stand out to truly thrive. 

Back in the day, a good school used to guarantee success. That's what our parents wanted for us, emphasizing quality education as a key to unlocking stable employment for their children. University degrees were golden tickets to prestigious careers, with higher qualifications promising even more doors to open. However, relying solely on academic qualifications in our dynamic job market isn't enough.

If your parents had a college education, they aspired for you to surpass their achievements by attending university and taking pride in your success. Parents typically experience immense pride when their sons and daughters graduate. They consider it a moment to affirm their wise decision of providing value in the form of an educational investment.

Universities, traditionally known for broad-based education, have shifted towards fostering specialization. Regardless of your academic discipline, being successful in the job market requires identifying a specific specialty to gain a competitive advantage.

Numerous students are unaware of the abundance of free online courses available for part-time enrollment, offering an opportunity to enhance their employability. These learning platforms provide insights into the expectations of the job market. The instructors teach not only the theories but also the practical applications of the concepts.

The most effective way to learn is to put the knowledge into practice. Of course, some skills are still essential such as; communication skills, decision-making, creative thinking, interpersonal relationship skills, self-awareness-building skills, empathy, and coping with stress and emotions, and the expertise of the job you are doing, whether you are a doctor, nurse, or athlete. The reality is that every industry now looks for individuals who have a specific skill investment and completing professional papers can make a big difference. 

I have faced some challenges in pursuit of the field I desired because I did not do well in professional papers. Which are not equally a walk in the park. I failed and that derailed my efforts to pursue my passions in the field I desired.

Success in today's world hinges on fulfilling your commitments and demonstrating the impact and value of your work. For instance, as a graphic designer, it's essential to impress and exceed client expectations with creative solutions. However, success extends beyond individual brilliance; seamless collaboration with diverse professionals and staying abreast of industry trends are equally vital to remain at the top.

To expedite your career growth, consider working autonomously. Employment offers the advantage of acquiring industry-relevant skills and knowledge. Once you've gained proficiency, actively seek opportunities to address the issues that society faces.

The question that begs is: Is your job fueling your ambition or just offering comfortable inertia? That's if you have one because you may be jobless. You need to dream bigger than promotions! If a job ignites your entrepreneurial spirit, embrace it! This doesn't imply competition with their current employer, but rather a pursuit of independent creative expression. However, the allure of stability and comfort often leads most to prioritize existing roles, seeking growth within the established structure through promotions and acquired knowledge.

That said, "The job market is characterized by numerous dynamics, and the ability to innovate and identify progressive opportunities is essential. Established companies understand that the team plays a pivotal role in the success of the organization."

In the current landscape, various roles emerge in the workplace as revenue streams expand, and the nature of these roles becomes increasingly dynamic.

The days of cruising on a prestigious degree alone are gone. In today's specialized world, complacency is a losing strategy. Tangible results and proactive initiative are key currency. Be ready to answer: what impact have you made, what value do you add, and how have you improved efficiency? These are just a few examples of the inquiries that demand thoughtful responses in the current professional landscape.

In contemporary times, graduating from an Ivy League institution alone is insufficient. Despite engaging in simulations and running mock companies, it is the practical experience in real-life settings that truly counts. When it comes to actual scenarios, no one will handle your tasks for you, especially when they involve tasks like running a company or providing tested and working solutions. No one wants trial and error.

The world is continually evolving, and to achieve success, you must explore new ventures, hobbies, or skills that allow you to assist others. Starting a company is particularly advantageous. I often emphasize that individuals who establish companies become the true success stories, surpassing those who secure good jobs. A company has the potential to employ a significant number of people, whereas a job might not, though it can generate additional roles.

Hasta La Vista, Baby.


Saturday 3 February 2024

Just a little bit of patience

The truth is that Blogger's interaction lags and its promotional tools hinder a wider reach. That said, its user-friendly interface impressed me from the word go. I experimented with the designs and their customizable nature. It was particularly appealing and charming. Nonetheless, it falls short of providing the necessary tools to promote your work and ensure broader exposure.

Initially, I considered ending my use of this platform, but as soon as I observed the increasing numbers, I found a compelling reason to stay on. Surging growth numbers reignited my enthusiasm. Numbers excite me in a way.  Though, I am still sitting on the fence. Should I stay or reconsider its long-term suitability? I am tempted to stay. My initial disillusionment grapples with this growth concern.

Ready to abandon ship, I eyed Medium as my new harbor. However, unexpectedly, a surge of views occurred, making me hesitant to make the switch. Last month, I achieved a record-breaking 1300 views, and I realize now that I should have written this prior. This very post, perfectly primed for that moment, never saw the light of day, a missed chance that still stings.

It would have culminated in 4 posts done in January. I wish I had a virtual assistant to blare the siren and remind me to post.

Normally, my blog chugs along with a modest 100–200 views every month. I could reach a much bigger audience if I got a shout-out from a famous blogger. The views might increase 1000-fold. Certain authors have a Midas touch and the charisma to draw readers globally. They wield a powerful blend of adopter advantage and possess captivating talent. They are always ahead of the curve, and they know how to engage their fans and followers. I would love to learn from them and gain their endorsement. Someday, I could replicate their success.

Feeling discouraged by Blogger's inability to attract even a small, loyal readership, I started to reflect.  I had set a realistic goal of 20 loyal readers, picturing them as a dedicated class I could build upon. Witnessing successful blogs grow organically taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, the platform isn't the problem, I needed to refine my content and outreach efforts.

I'm acquainted with over 100 individuals who own smartphones; a simple alert, and they're instantly delving into my thoughts. I must admit, I fall into the category of those who feel a bit self-conscious, reserved, and insecure.  Questions that linger in my mind include. What if they don't like what I write? What if they find it lacking in quality or deem it mediocre? That would bruise my ego, and it does affect my spirits to some extent. 

The lack of comments and likes, coupled with anonymous views, makes it difficult to find motivation. A few chaps read my blog. They may be faceless, but they have eyes and ears. They are my audience, and they give me a reason to keep going. Even if it's a single view.

They say charity begins at home. And the best people to cheer you on is your family. They offer kindness and support. They can serve as advocates who not only appreciate your work but also recommend it to others. The potential for exponential growth lies in their recommendations.

I love writing and sharing my thoughts online. It's my passion and my work. All I have to do is write something interesting and post it on my blog. That's it. Simple, right? Then Blogger takes care of the rest. It recognizes my quality content and attracts readers to my blog. But building a readership involves more than just publishing, something I'm still learning as it takes active effort.

Ultimately, my interest lies beyond the monetary aspect. If I find myself deeply engaged, I might consider commercializing my writing and adhering to the constraints, as expected by Blogger. The reason for my initial desire to leave was the notice I received. They gave me a warning I had no idea about.

I'm not like most bloggers or YouTubers, who have thousands of followers and viewers. I align more with someone whose YouTube videos typically garner 10–100 views. You might click away quickly because you think that person is a Moff. But you'd be missing out on something unique and amazing. Don't dismiss me as a small-time creator, instead dive in and discover something special.

As much as I want to switch allegiance, I feel anchored even as I dream of fresh pastures. It's like saying goodbye to a part of myself. I've invested so much time and energy here, the sunk costs, let's say inertia wins this time round. Economists call this switching costs. It means I have to start from scratch if I move somewhere else.

I can acknowledge that change will eventually come. My respectful relationship with Blogger will end someday. I don't know when. And I will sing "Jamaican Farewell" by Harry Belafonte. But I'm not ready to let go. Am still here, clinging on like a skilled worker stuck in a rut. I prefer the familiar over the unknown, even if it means missing out on potential avalanches of opportunity.

Well, I realized that Chatbots can make my work more fun and engaging. I admit that I rely on tools like Bard, Co-Pilot, ChatGPT, and others to improve and enhance my writing style. That might make me less original, but hey, even singers use autotune. And they still have fans who love them.

As a result, I may have lost my casual, conversational style that lends my writing its natural, spoken quality—the subtle nuances of language. 

I'm not sure why Blogger Algorithm doesn't prominently feature my blog. But who cares? It could be due to perceived mediocrity, I copy too much from others, or perhaps I've been cautioned for unknowingly violating platform guidelines. But you know what? I don't care! I love writing and sharing my thoughts with the world. Furthermore, I'm passionate about what I do, and I hope you are too.

Hasta La Vista, Baby.



Undressing youself, The echo effect

Once in a while, it's essential to break away, have a debut in the unmined, and see a poignant reflection on the losses brought about by...