Let me keep it simple

Monday 28 December 2015


I found those mundanely used words (librettos) while Facebooking (sic, yet another one to purge) on Business Insider. However, like a true scribe, there is no caveat on my side as to whether or not to use the words. While there are words which rarely feature on my vocabulary among the fifteen; amazing, literally and irregardless. There is no denial some of them are addictive, when you try hard to eliminate them, it is the moment they keep recurring in your discourse. Like a child, what you are deterred from doing is what you end up effectuating, huwa inawasha au sivyo. Another word that should have been added is, ‘like’. Like I have been trying hard to eschew the use of ‘that’ in this first paragraph and frankly, I have achieved it.

While playing scrabble against the CPU on my phone, I came across words I would desire to use on my blog. Words like ‘eaux’ or ‘valvo’ or ‘psi’ or ‘qin’. These words had that red underline after typing, which most likely means they are not certified as English. They are words I probably may never use in my lingo in the near future because they signify no relevance in my diction apart from scoring points on scrabble. I must confess that I love Scrabble, a game I sometime take some long hiatus to play but when I find time, it is insanely addictive. There is only one opponent on CPU who I am kind of overwrought to play with since the bugger has been programmed to execute those seven letter moves and given that my ken is kind of obtund when it comes to making words out of letters, I have resigned. Mark you when you have either only vowels or consonants. They traumatize when the only word you can create is worth only two points.

If you listen to Maina in the morning, you are accustomed to his usual emphasis of the word 'Really'. As obnoxious as it may sound, his penchant for using it is somehow fiendish as it makes more and more listeners use it since in their opine, because Maina uses it, then it is cool to use it.

The word ‘went’ also caught my attention. Every other time you are asked to give details of where you walked to, skated to, drove to or flew to; chances are you will intimate to where went to, for example ‘I went to Ushago’. Yet it leaves so much room for speculation. At times divulging such details may make you sound arrogant among those who are of low social standing.

‘I flew to Mombasa via KQ Business class and upon arrival, found my chauffeur who drove me to my hotel room in a Rolls Royce. Since I was feeling jet lagged having just landed from Ipswich the other day, I had to take a nap before horse riding to Ali Barbour’ Cave Restaurant for some Drunken prawns and Fresh Calamari downed with an equally dissipated aperitif.’

Of course it’s not me, being this jobless bugger having resigned from work to concentrate on my studies for a while because the employer did not find my going to school palatable. As such am left to imagine how such places would look like because as a student with no source of comprehensive income, you only have books and Dr. Google to take you to places you only yearn for because of the money factor, which we earnestly searched for. Being the reticent type, it has been quite stodgy finding a somewhat fulfilling venture because of this nation’s notion that you need a pusher to be employed in places of reputable status. 

Since wallowing doing nothing is a no no for me, getting to design pictures for free when time allows because it also involves a lot of creativity and time keeps me going. Again, there are pending projects that need to be hastily accomplished in due course. Graphic design is enthralling, there is pleasure in seeing people appreciate that which you have taken your time to motif. I am not perfect in the skill still, yet I plan not to push it further. My quest is to pursue my career aspiration and live off it like others have done. These other skills are survival lifeskills for my blog. In the event there is an abrogation as to the career prospects not being tenable, then resorting to either being a graphic designer or writer or a full-time blogger will not be out of the question.   

The world has progressed from being parochial into more liberalized globe, the only set back is information and thus resources are confined to the few who use it to mint Benjamins they adversely use in reigning supreme on us using subtle machinations as we remain obsequious. Albeit we are livid, we kowtow because they are puppeteers who have strings they pull to effect dominance.

Which reminds me the story of Eva Kasaya and her search of employment from the maid employment bureaus. Maybe as a job seeker I should go to one of the many employment bureaus to search for work. There I can parade myself for the next available employer to come and check me out and determine if am worthy of the job or not by looking at me and questioning my competencies a little bit. Sometimes you have to get employed, move out of employment for a while then get employed before you find the real footing in life. Exploring is also the next possible option. Everyday bequeaths you something to be proud about even when the going is not as smooth.

There are days when you become distraught and have a potent feeling while there are those days when you get excited and the feelings though pro tem, make life a marvel. Again they say that holding on for too long when things are not working out essentially means that you are a slave unto yourself having no escape plan which should ideally be very discreet.

Do employment agencies honour their pledge, or are they conduits of exploiting the suffrage of those unemployed and those frustrated in jobs but hold on hoping lady luck will smile on them sooner. I realized being a hardworking, top performing, positive-minded employee isn't enough, and you may be giving out you best while in reality, the person on the other end thinks you are a lousy fellow whose value is not worth it. They just keep you in the meantime since they cannot find a competent employee to replace you since finding new employees is frustrating even for the employers themselves.

As time goes by, there is honing of skills to be very adept at that which you want to be. While other employers usually want a well baked employee to offer peanuts so that they can gain, they fail to provide competitive salaries so that there is no difference whether you continue staying or not. Our country has become a paper economy, we value certificates and money than ever before. Certificates though, cannot marshal you enough money as I saw some tweet in response to what you have but never use. For Floyd Mayweather, it was a backyard full of cars, as for a certain bugger, it was a Degree certificate. Mine helps in the pursuit of a professional education as much as it adds to my status because when I go to the countryside, people sometimes take my word as the gospel truth even though what am insinuating could be facile.

It saddens that as Africans, we still have no elaborate mechanism of providing viable avenues for those who are in search. Something is for sure though, like the Swahili proverb goes, ‘Anayetaka hachoki hata akichoka (huwa) keshapata’. As for yours truly, it's never about getting to work anymore, it’s about the conditions provided that matter.

Sometimes you work all day without being able to achieve something for yourself. When you go back home, there is nothing worthwhile you can do other than sleep. Because you are tired. And you work hoping that your dues will be ameliorated, instead they get attenuated as time goes by. However, time and tide does waits for no man. When you work to just make ends meet, there is a problem if the status quo is maintained, there should be an aspect of enjoyment and progress. When you cannot achieve that, then you need to hustle extra hard or air your tribulations so that you get to the place you desire.

As time goes by, you become wiser, and more worthy. You have a better perspective about this world. Those who cannot make it are those who quit or remain unassertive. Looking at the bigger picture, as a person, I am back on the drawing board. I have decided to dance the tune of life in the meantime. When my time of abundance will come, I will look back having gone through periods of pittance with the attitude of a victorious Ethiopian soldier from the battle of Adowa.

PS: I find people who upload nice pictures of themselves with red eyes, or it white eyes on social media too hideous. What is the purpose of that application used to remove red eyes on phone. Maybe having known how to remove it on Photoshop has made me hate some unnormal things people oversee.

Hasta La Vista, Baby.

[Photo Source: My Own]

Monday 21 December 2015


There are times you get a weird kind of feeling that things will not be alright. You are jittery and uncontrollable only that you are not cognizant of that which is causing you inside panic. Outside, you look quite steadfast and unshaken. Like everything is fine and this is just a sojourn you have to pass through as a phase. When you try to rest, you just find that thoughts are coalescing within that which is making you uncomfortable. You already understand why Jay Z rapped about 99 problems. And you just want to go on holiday and forget all about the tribulations that are afflicting then you face them later on.

However, they are trials that you have to go through as an important phase in life. They make the individual in you unfaltering having gone through hell. Without them, you never grow. You will remain held up because life is about experiencing those doleful occasions and dreadful moments. Those that torment and even though you want to inebriate yourself to a stupor, you remember that there are repercussions. Those that prevent you from sliding from aberration. This world is uncanny, you need to exploit it at a slow pace. Never condescending because you never know when your downfall will surface. For when it does, the cohesive and adhesive forces that hold the fabric together within you may devastatingly succumb in a manner that is unbearable like the tower of Babel.

Sometimes, you easily want to have that financial freedom to pay for the things that make your life a marvel. Like vanishing from the people who matter most to you or heading to the coast for a genial extravaganza. A holiday you are not able to finance, since time immemorial, you have only been conversed by this Kenya phrase, ‘Uchumi ni mbaya’. Studies you have committed yourself, are also holding you back and a pending court case prevents you from being a fugitive. And you earnestly want to go and watch the series ‘Fugitive’ to learn the ways of an outlaw. Pulling such stunts will be disastrous. You may go six feet under even before you knew it because you never know how trigger angry the boys in blue are.

Again the situation is aggravated by your woman, (she has however refused you call her so). The one you think is under the tutelage of her more experienced godmother guiding her on the other side by detailing her on the art of being slippery by every hook and crook to try and find out if you are serious enough with her. But we are in the 21st century. Playing difficult is no longer fashionable. Relationships have become like buying shoes at City Walk. However the chase itself makes it more fun when you are this penniless blogger who just resigned from work and you are in a financial limbo having been sabotaged by your former employer for preferring to juggle school with work. The one who threatens to have you incarcerated, thereby possibly missing out on your due exams which are first approaching.

So as a measure of foiling the combined guile, you also develop your own strategies to counteract them. Trying to find out who will budge first. Like you find this arrogance unbearable, full of deceit and machinations. You feel it is choreographed and feel like you will revenge. The best revenge is served cold. You have actualized it already, in a manner that in Game Theory results in a Nash Equilibrium.

You know full well ladies have their emotional side that you can easily tune, they talk, and she may have talked to someone about how hurting she has been, like you have been uncaring if her last statement augurs to that translation. At times you muse whether the feeling is mutual or just a passing fade, like if she holds you in high regard the way you also do her. If she does not, then maybe you are chasing after the wind with her. Which you will continue doing until that moment in life when it becomes vanity and you will see her slip from your hands as she will probably find a worthy suitor who is sately chummed to make her feel like the beautiful lady she really is. A guy who will take her to an exquisite holiday in Paris, which makes her develop goose bumps, exhilarate and be filled with child-like excitement as you will be probably looking at the pictures full of envy on IG or FB while she is having her life time experience. Probably singing to Black Eyes Peas ‘The Time’ with that lucky jamaa.

However she aint that type judging by your seasoned knowledge of her.

As for the former employer, I wish I could retract all the bad things I did to him. However, when I want to offer an apology, I think of the people he offended. His callous nature, him calling people animals, failing to aptly pay you though you have dedicated your time and offered services to your able best. Him never appreciating those that strive to see him realize his dreams. He never having an iota of feeling, having raging tempers you probably mirrored and a disgust for hygiene. Even if you are patient, you soon give up because you never achieve much having made you his small slaves without the air of freedom of expression. That you called him ‘Boss’ when the world has moved into a more liberalized air without prefixes or suffixes that give the superior mentality.

In this life, you need not to be chained like you are some form of slave who has to be servile to the whims of someone else. Till that moment when you unfasten yourself from mental bondage that you can only survive under someone, you fail to take advantage of the self as an asset that can marshal a lot of resources that should be capitalized for probable future benefits. You are quasi-free man, because of anger, you have to take full responsibility of my actions.

Amid all these, you will come out strong. Victory is assured, time being the only factor not known. Like Hollywood superheroes after a deadly fight.


[Photo Source: Modified inFamous Movie Poster]

Friday 18 December 2015


Hello from the other siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide.
Today, allow me to think out loud- literally.

I find serenity and intimacy in the art of scripting. It’s just a way to escape from the bitter realities of the world, it’s a serenading pacifier.

But I got issues. Too big I feel they will clog my system now that I am contemplating a new chapter full of less adventure. This missive is directed to her. So allow me to use the ‘second person point of view’.

Do you know the hardest thing in this world? Hold that thought.

Let me protest. You know you are dealing with a difficult person when you think you are winning when in the actual sense things are slowly hitting a snag. You feel like you want to call it quits, give up altogether and start on a new cruise, but you can’t. It’s like quitting coke, the moment you think you are free of it, that’s when the gremlins lead you into an overdose.

Ever tried outpouring your emotions in black and white, then in the middle of the discourse, you realize you lack the requisite diction to drive the point home? Albeit it may sound mundane, it’s actually awkward.

Enough of beating about the bush. This epistle has exactly 400 words. It’s about frustrations. Those that irk you to the bone you feel like exploding or better still shout, or clobber the wall with your clenched fist to release the rage within. Then you realize how impatient, how selfish and narcissistic you are.

Have you ever wished you knew how to strike the right cord? I love her witty banter, those gorgeous sounds that sound licentious when she giggles, those long periods of silence when nothing seems to revolve when she is on the other end, but most of all the time she afford yours truly. It melts the heart and you feel a sense of warmth like it’s a mollifying ballad.

I have a major bone of contention though. Of late I feel a wreck when she completely refuses to pick my call when I say am calling back. Is it a stratagem? Maybe not.

And for that reason, I never will pester calling because am on a sojourn. The twists and turns, I wish I could explain, I can’t.

But, no matter what, you deserve to be happy and live a joy filled life. Right.

Hasta La Vista Baby.

[Picture Source: Modified Google Images]

Wednesday 16 December 2015


I recently read somewhere that inadequate sleep is a major causal agent as to why someone becomes irate and can easily be provoked to do the unexpected.


[Picture Source: My Own]


Undressing youself, The echo effect

Once in a while, it's essential to break away, have a debut in the unmined, and see a poignant reflection on the losses brought about by...