Let me keep it simple

Saturday 30 March 2024

Just do nothing

The societal pressure to live up to certain standards can feel overwhelming. When faced with challenges that seem insurmountable, it's okay to step aside momentarily and restrategize. You may strive to adopt the best coping mechanisms, but societal expectations often loom beyond your control. Life throws a lot at us, and it's important to prioritize your well-being because mental health is crucial.  Focus on what works, take time to recharge if need be, and come back stronger.

Life is full of symbols, waiting for us to interpret their meaning. Sometimes, a seemingly negative event – an accident, illness, pandemic, or even a societal tragedy – can serve as a metaphor for a new chapter. These experiences don't have to be fatal to have a profound impact on our lives. They can also leave a positive mark and strengthen our worldview.

As we journey through life, we encounter a myriad of experiences that shape our acceptance of change. Friendships fade, and those we once held dear can become distant, reflecting the transient nature of life. In life, some cherished bonds may wilt, and new connections blossom. Permanence and constancy are rare commodities that are often elusive and rarely present. This impermanence prevents us from becoming mired in outdated beliefs and practices. While some past ideals may seem superior to those we now hold, most evolve to reflect society's present realities, ensuring we continue to progress and adapt to the times.

There comes a time when doing nothing is essential, an integral part of our desired lifestyle. Sleep, a vital component of our existence, exemplifies this perfectly. It's a time of complete inactivity that fuels our activity. Life, too, throws us a lifeline of pause in the form of quiet moments. You can imagine the calming sound of crashing waves or rain softly tapping on a silent night. They are interludes that offer a hiatus, a chance to halt momentarily before you plunge into the flurry of activity again. It's natural to take this time to rest and reflect, processing our experiences before moving forward. Prioritize rest.

Society demands constant engagement, leaving little room for stillness. To keep up, we're compelled to align ourselves with the pace of our social circles, eager to match their industriousness. Everyone moves at their rhythm, and that's perfectly okay. This fast-paced environment inevitably leads us to shed connections with those who struggle to keep pace. We may even mock them, as not worthy of the rigorous challenge of survival of the fittest. Maybe it's our obsession with achievement. Life isn't just about keeping up with the Joneses.

The world is a constant hum of activity, with individuals tirelessly working to provide us with the comfort and convenience we enjoy. However, even the most well-designed products and systems are susceptible to unforeseen threats and challenges. Researchers and developers must continually adapt and refine their creations to align with the evolving demands and mitigate potential risks.

It's a common misconception that tranquility and inner peace equate to indolence. You feel the need to be occupied to validate your productivity. Hell No! The circumstances we face are diverse. You don't have to appear exhausted to have a reason to pause. If you're facing continuous obstacles in life and struggling to progress, it might seem counterintuitive, but sometimes the best action is inaction. It doesn't mean you're giving up or failing. Just relax, be idle for a while, and breathe. Remember, taking a breather won't harm you.

One of the cornerstones of humanity is to be engaged. Action over idleness. Yet, irrespective of being active or passive, the only one who cares about our actions is us. The average chap is wired to be seeking to achieve a goal or what you want. We are in a rat race but rarely do we stop to ask questions whether the struggle is truly worthwhile.

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to counsel my younger brother, who craved independence. 'Emancipation of Mimi.' He felt overshadowed and discouraged by labels of failure. However, I reassured him that failure is not definitive. We all stumble but the number of times we pick up is what counts.

In today's society, it's not uncommon to encounter a considerable number of people who appear listless or are just there, "wako tu." Just the other day, I was discussing with a friend about a striking comparison: the vast population of Africa, exceeding a billion, against that of Microsoft with a workforce of just over 200,000. It's quite astonishing that Microsoft has a market capitalization that outstrips the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Africa.  Microsoft's success didn't come overnight; it required grit and perseverance, starting from humble beginnings to becoming refined over time. This comparison raises a thought-provoking question: Are those 200,000 employees more productive than an entire continent of one billion Africans? The key lies in unity, teamwork, and focused effort among other variables made over the years, which have culminated in the success and productivity of entities like Microsoft.

This is nonsensical gen that requires no action on your part. Simply absorb it and tembeza kubwa kubwa. Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new. Experience is what begets wisdom. Society may label you as indolent if you are jobless. On the flipside, if you are employed, people will expect generosity from you. Yet, it's about you. Not them. When you are going through a crisis, they will think that you are an attention-seeker. At such times, take time off and simply be who you are.

Hasta La Vista, Baby.


Thursday 21 March 2024

Hyperbolic discounting

Life is a constant dance of options, and the melody that resonates well with us is the one we waltz or gyrate to. The decisions we make shape the lifestyle we lead and, in turn, sway the path to satisfaction. Imagine ticking off life's checkboxes one by one, piecing together a beautiful mosaic of experiences. Each completed task adds a splash of color to the grand design. Unfortunately, life's rhythm is a complex tapestry of options. There is always the dilemma of juggling competing interests. A tough decision awaits when you are compelled to select amongst the myriad of prospects that life presents.

As rational beings, we often face the allure of immediate gratification, opting for the path laden with quick, modest rewards rather than the longer route promising substantial bounty. Quick wins! Sprints over marathons. This tendency equates to discounting the future and the broader possibilities of prosperity. After all, nobody knows about tomorrow. Hence our myopic tendencies.

Discipline stands as the cornerstone of our voyage through life. It empowers you to navigate any path you choose. Without it, you'll easily be swayed by fleeting desires, often veering onto the well-trodden path in pursuit of quick gratification. Honesty remains a non-negotiable virtue across all life's domains.

The circumstances we find ourselves in vary. You might find yourself in a field demanding utmost dedication. Some require you to have self-control and chart your destiny while others may afford more freedom and personal preference. Shortcuts might offer a temporary illusion of progress, but they often conflict with long-term aspirations. As the consequences of our choices materialize, the sting of regret tied to those decisions becomes all too clear. 

In today's dynamic world, abundant opportunities await if you are willing to seize them. Strive to become the best version of yourself, shed habits that hinder your ability to compete, and embrace challenges, which can be a boomerang to bloom. You should dare to step outside your comfort zone and make the necessary sacrifices to develop your unique strengths. Don't let the prod that elicits defensiveness prevent you from doing what is right because it feels safe to be in a crowd.

As social creatures, we naturally gravitate towards the crowd. The concept of herd mentality is deeply rooted within us. It can hold an individual captive to collective decisions. You end up fearing the risk associated with independent decisions, which in turn leads you to succumb to the social proof bias. Consequently, this bias may amplify your situation, resulting in behavior akin to a sheep blindly following the flock. When one sheep leaps over an imaginary fence, the rest invariably follow suit.

Hyperbolic discounting refers to the tendency to opt for immediate pleasure at the expense of greater future benefits. This cognitive bias often leads to decisions that favor instant gratification over long-term gain. Although we often experience it, we may overlook it or adopt a dismissive attitude, "Whatever!" It's a challenge I've faced before, and this has impeded my ability to fully reap the fruits of my labor. Perhaps I sit on the fence a lot more than I should.

For example, you may aspire to hit the gym to achieve a certain physique, perhaps to feel confident when you look in the mirror, and to ward off lifestyle diseases. This decision marks one of the toughest challenges in your fitness journey. An ideal body is like a sculpture—it has to be chiseled for the outcome to be desirable. 

Let's call it the "workout saga," you have to brace yourself for some serious grind, a process that requires improving your health through exercise and better nutrition. It entails making sacrifices and stepping out of your comfort zone into the unknown. This journey is strenuous and unavoidable, especially if you aim to rock that killer physique for life. But those delicious cookies in a nearby bakery might seem more tempting than the gym membership that promises long-term health benefits. Damn you wheat!

I can relate to the fitness journey. There was a time when I was super regimented, hitting the pavement for walks, busting out reps, and chugging water like it was going out of style (eight glasses weren't just a suggestion, it was my mantra). I didn't set specific targets or seek motivation, but after about a month, I hit the brakes. In my walking routine, I experimented with different sneakers and flip-flops until I found the ones that suited my trekking needs. I clocked a kilometer in a cool ten minutes. Initially, drinking water regularly was a challenge, so I spaced out my drinks and threw in some Himalayan salt to prevent frequent bathroom breaks and help in the retention of water in the body cells. But then, those spur-of-the-moment cravings hit, and I eventually succumbed to procrastination and lethargy, seeking alternative options when the initial enthusiasm waned. It's easy to abandon a results-oriented endeavor when a meliorating alternative presents itself.

Last year, I embarked on a journey of self-study. I kept my educational endeavors under wraps, hoping to wow those around me with my success. However, when the results rolled in, I had failed, leaving me feeling like crap and short of apocalyptic. Amid the shock and shame, I soldiered on. Reflecting on my study habits, I realized that my sessions weren't consistent. Despite pouring considerable hours into my studies, I often took fun breaks and indulged in weekly parties to break the monotony. Additionally, I skipped self-quizzes, which would've gauged my understanding. I discovered that taking more than a two-day break from studying frequently snowballed into a week-long hiatus, derailing my focus. Lesson learned. On to the next one.

Hasta La Vista, Baby.


Thursday 14 March 2024

We Live in Fear

 "Have you ever felt like a voice quacking in the void?"

Well. That is how I feel regarding my blog. It can be quite isolating. The absence of readers makes it weak; updating it weekly makes it circuitous; and it's torturous when you have to sit down to create content that fails to create a sensory reality for the reader. Perhaps, participating in a competition could ignite a fresh trajectory!

You know what; lamentation has a scruffy charm of pacification. 

It takes courage to acknowledge and deal with personal experiences, whether they are within your control or render you vulnerable. While you might be frustrated by unaccomplished aspects of your life, the ultimate truth is that writing provides the purest form of distillation. It has fulfillment. Whether your expression is tentative and tepid or colorful and cogent with an epic flow, it carries an intimate feeling—a kind of sexy, skin-to-skin vibe. 

Ever felt like you wanted to come out of the closet but fear or timidity were holding you at ransom? You want to leap forward but suffer from the poison ivy of "What if I mess up?" Worse is, you start, get disillusioned, or derailed along the way, then forego to take action on what inspired you.  

Regardless of whether fear stems from the external world or the people around us, it's crucial to recognize that you possess the power to make a choice. The decision to remain beholden to the damning situation or take action and change the circumstances remains yours. It is your responsibility to determine whether you wish to actively pursue your goals or let them fade away toward oblivion.

When you write as I do, the temptation to surrender is ever-present. You check the blog statistics, and the once-ascending curve now resembles a volatile cryptocurrency graph. The numbers game can feel disheartening, and engagement feels elusive. It seems like my content may click better with a specific audience I haven't reached yet. Or maybe I am preaching to the converted. Who approaches my articles with disdain, as if to say, "Make it quick, we have no time to waste?"

Nonetheless, there are moments when you revisit your blog, glance at it, and find yourself both breathless and deliriously happy; way past Cloud Nine. You can see the incredible progress you're making! It is commendable. Yet, there are those instances that tease and taunt. In those moments, it feels like the best course of action is to uphold your nobility.

The dancer in you yearns to enroll in a dance school to refine those seemingly awkward moves, rectifying the missteps that leave you feeling like you have two left feet. The writer within has crafted a manuscript. The only hurdle left is to conquer the fear of rejection and submit it to publishers. The orator within resists practicing speeches in front of a mirror, and the thought of exploring how telekinesis can enhance your bespoke and expressive vigor. These are the requisite experiences needed before stepping into the coliseum, one that is often unreceptive and can be both nerve-racking and emotionally draining.

The crucial skill required to combat fear is the ability to unpack the slightest traces of guilt or inferiority. The way infants face life's challenges without prejudice. What you would consider impossible as an adult. A video online captivated me, it featured a child who placed a hen on the carrier of his bicycle and pushed it forward, evoking memories of Mr. Nice's song 'Kuku Kapanda Baiskeli'. It brings to mind this line in Stephen King's book On Writing: "It ain't how much you've got, honey, it's how you use it," as the whore told the bashful sailor.

Doubt and fear often quell the rebellious spirit within that yearns for exploration. Inaction, if prolonged, can lead to a perpetual state of ruin, and the sole path to redemption lies in countering the inertia provoked by these apprehensions.

Coming out of the closet can be tough, especially when you worry about people's perceptions. You might wonder if you should adopt a don't-care attitude and ignore people's opinions or be humble and seek advice. You might worry about rejection or being judged. But remember, as the Chinese proverb goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Although the first steps might be the hardest, over time, they become more straightforward with a hint of complexity. Along the way, you will face challenges and obstacles. Without resilience, failure is inevitable. But if you persevere, self-discovery awaits.

This year, my primary focus is on content creation, not the blog's metrics. Blogging poses numerous challenges, from marketing to idea selection and conceptualization, crafting engaging introductions and conclusions, allocating time for composition, conducting research to reinforce concepts, and the mental drudgery involved in copyediting. The countless hours devoted to perusal for the final prose to have segue. It is natural to hesitate and cogitate, and in the process, get mortified by your efforts. You have to grapple with the notion that what you're painstakingly trying to master might feel somewhat embarrassing.

It's often said that time's a healer and atones for past mistakes. Without intending to sound like a Protestant evangelist, "Perhaps you are out there struggling with the urge to reignite your passion, kickstart your job search, or pursue your ambition, chaka chaka." The key is to start by taking small steps. The challenges will be dealt with as they arise along the way.

As always, "Keep on keeping on, and keeping on will keep you keeping on."

Hasta La Vista, Baby.


Thursday 7 March 2024

Déjà vu

 "If the whole world is indebted, then who is the anonymous creditor?"

A common challenge that many people face is being burdened by debt. It traps you in a cycle of working solely to pay off loans and accumulated interest, and in the end, you are enslaved. The debt trap starts unconsciously and subtly. Small initial loans are irresistible, more so if you want to use them to take care of necessities. With time, they snowball into a vicious cycle of larger debt burdens.  This drive is typically motivated by the pursuit of material and tangible acquisitions, which, unfortunately, in certain instances, has led to severe repercussions, including loss of life, rather than fostering happiness and comfort.

I came across a story in a local tabloid, or maybe I heard it from someone, about a high-profile individual who amassed significant debt in his lifetime. Allegedly, one day, he chose to put an end to his financial woes by taking his own life. It remains unclear whether auctioneers seized his property after his demise or if they followed protocol to reclaim the outstanding debt owed to the creditor. Additionally, considering that credit from financial institutions is typically insured, upon an individual's demise, the outstanding advance is usually recovered from the insurance company.

An acquaintance recently confided in me that he was in trouble with some debt collectors and needed some money to pay them off. I sympathized with him, but I had to be honest and tell him the truth. I did convey that I was facing a similar problem myself and had no extra cash to spare.

In retrospect, I realize I neglected to attend financial literacy classes. Tantamount to the thought, "I won't be here long, so why bother?" While I initially assumed they wouldn't be directly relevant to my situation, I now recognize the valuable insights and skills they can provide for making informed budgetary decisions.

There are enough stories about this issue. My story goes like this. 

There is a way you tend to discuss your financial status with your inner circle of friends. Well, I could get up to 200,000 from the various mobile apps I use. And even though that might not be substantial for those who have ten times that amount as their credit card limit, it meant a lot to me. You use it as a way to show off. Just to let your friends know that, hey, "Niko na pesa kushinda babako, kaskie vibaya huko kwenu." The bots translated it to, "I've got more money than your dad, sorry for your troubles." You do so in a subtle way because you know the kind of friends you have and the social circles you belong to.

The notion that money is the root cause of all evil isn't unfounded. Before you know it, you begin lending to acquaintances, starting with one friend. You take loans from digital loan apps at the standard interest rate, but you tack on a convenience fee for yourself, considering you are the one facilitating the loan. It turns lucrative, you extend more loans. Meanwhile, you neglect to save any of the funds for unforeseen circumstances. Soon you are caught up in a debt spiral that you can't escape. You find yourself ensnared in the web of debt as well.

As more friends learn about your lending activities, they approach you for loans, knowing you can easily get a facility from the digital loan apps. You are more of a middleman. Capitalizing on this platform, you've transformed into a lender. Experiencing success with one loan recovery fuels your belief that you can gradually scale this venture and achieve passive income. While others toil, you find the funds coming your way effortlessly, akin to receiving a reward on a silver platter. It comes with risks, as you're well aware. However, you convey the crucial terms of the agreement even without a signed contract, relying on trust that the borrowed amount will be repaid.

Early on, you yield favorable results and become buoyant. You extend loans up to 100,000 and occasionally invest your salary because your borrowers are consistently repaying them. Everything is progressing smoothly, and within months, you experience a staggered income flow that varies with your loan cycles. In certain instances, you don't even need to settle with the loan app; a simple request prompts your borrower to repay and take out another loan. This is another red flag because you are bypassing your agreed-upon terms.

A significant number of individuals find themselves ineligible for loans due to their creditworthiness, and that's where you see an opportunity. Armed with a background in finance, you understand the crucial role credit scores play. If you have a clean record, you can borrow more money without any hassle, as credit reference bureaus cannot identify you as a defaulter. Exploiting this situation, you take advantage of your favorable credit standing to secure additional loans from other lenders. 

You discover you can leverage your strong credit history by borrowing responsibly and repaying loans on time, which unlocks access to larger loans progressively. Prompt payment becomes your priority. Whenever you extend a loan to someone, you diligently track their payday and consistently remind them to settle the debt once their salary is received. This approach becomes instrumental in effectively managing and clearing your debts with digital lenders.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted many people's ability to work and repay loans. A couple of your clients end up affected. Some got better jobs elsewhere, and some just quit—the ones who had a brick-and-mortar mentality. This caused disruptions with digital loan providers due to missed payments. Then the incessant bloodcurdling calls from these Shylocks started streaming in, like a poisonous inspiration, prompting you to devise a strategy to deter them. Meme lords even recreated a joke about these agents. You start making token payments of 1–10 shillings and would then request that they verify if you have settled the debt. This approach helped create a temporary buffer against the persistent calls. What sticks in your mind quite clearly is you paid 1 shilling against a backdrop of a 50k loan.

Yap, that's the situation you find yourself in. Despite meticulous due diligence, falling prey to scams is a stark reality. It becomes even more disheartening when the perpetrators are individuals you had placed trust in. Yet, even the most reputable financial institutions aren't immune to the craftiness of con artists. They package themselves adeptly to leave no room for doubt and create a false sense of trust, only to vanish unexpectedly. The aftermath involves substantial losses with no trace. You are thus left to shoulder that burden. This underscores the challenge of distinguishing genuine intentions from fraudulent ones when dealing with people. Even the most careful assessments can sometimes be deceived.

Indeed, the allure of money is nearly universal. We enjoy flaunting it. Surprisingly, even those with higher incomes often find themselves entangled in a web of debt and frustration. Despite the abundance of financial coaches, a significant number of individuals still live beyond their means, a trend likely to endure. The belief that more money leads to a better life remains pervasive, prompting people to seek loans even when faced with challenges in repayment.

The experience has taught you that money remains the most influential medium in people's interactions. Despite some individuals refusing to repay, the constant requests for money persist. However, due to those past challenges, you decide to close down your informal lending business. Henceforth, you diligently work on servicing the debt, but at your own pace and terms. Recognizing that life must continue, you taken a more measured approach to financial dealings, prioritizing your well-being and stability. Kwani!

Hasta La Vista, Baby.



Undressing youself, The echo effect

Once in a while, it's essential to break away, have a debut in the unmined, and see a poignant reflection on the losses brought about by...