Let me be categorical. Elders are very important in society. On
that note allow me to allude to an anecdote I once read very long long ago.
Once some young fellows decided to kill all the old men who were
advising them on what to do and what not to do. All the young men except one
killed their fathers and interred them in places they only knew.
One young man however never killed his father but went and hid him
in the forest where he could take him some food since he loved his father very
One day, a lizard got stuck in the nostril of one of the young
men who had killed their fathers. They could not pull the animal out of their
mates nostril as the more they tried the more the lad was as pains and the
lizard tried earnestly to remain in the lad's nose.
When they got out of ideas, they regretted having killed their
fathers. Such circumstances would have easily been solved by an older person
they pondered.
The young man who had not killed his father came out to confess
about how he could help the young man on the verge of dying. But first he made
the other young men swear that they could not kill him. When they did, he went
and called his father who came in fear of his life.
When the elderly man was told of what became the plight of the
young man with a lizard inside his nose, he recommended tumbako (I think this
is tobacco). It was to be placed on the young man's other nostril and this
would spur sneezing. The medication worked.
I had been thinking, what would have become of the young men
without elders?
Our circumstances are almost the same. We need elders badly.
Elders are very essential.They know the ways of the land and how things that
are a complex cross word to the young can easily be solved.
Elders should however let the youth also be. Youth should also
accord the elders the requisite reverence and place they play in society. In
short none can do without the other. They should coexist in making the society a better place.
So young guys, everyone has his time. Elders also wanted to be
considered when they were young. They have now earned it courtesy of age.