Let me keep it simple

Sunday 26 June 2016


I am now a happy slave. But who is a happy slave? Forget about the chained ones or those who work under duress. I am talking about the new era slaves. Chances are you are one of them. Since most of us aspire to be one. The best thing about new era slavery is that you are able to choose your master who intern determines your pay. All in all we are subject to a person who reigns supreme over us. And they are small lords we need to worship.

If you have stayed at home for some period of time, you usually just want a place where you will go and interact with other fellow beings in order to get money. Money is the king in the current world. All and sundry are working towards being financially stable. Even those you think have made enough still want more. There is the maintenance of status quo which you have to work for or else, time and money will work against you.

So as a happy slave, you need to wake up very early in the morning. You think that the process ended when you left high school. After struggling in high school, you get a relief by going on vacation in campus. This is because, while in campus, it was a journey of fairy tales. No bells, reminders or pushers. Just you to decide whether you are going to follow the rote or not. It is like you prepare yourself in life for big things just to end up having your life determined by another individual who perhaps does not care about you.

Sometimes I rue why I was born in this situation. Where was my grandpa while other men of equal stance were building dynasties and empires in preparation for a better life for their future generation. Perhaps, by now I would have been thinking about going to the next level. Either building up on the retained wealth or using it impetuously forgetting that tomorrow will come. However, chances are, the latter effect would have never surfaced.

Since I am now a happy slave, I will have to take it easy. The sky is now the limit. The only problem I usually have is that I am never a stickler to time or love commitment. But now there is room for improvement having learnt from the past mistakes. As you grow, you become wiser. Wisdom is the source of wealth. 

Since I have lost the verve that I initially had and given that I am waiting for it to resurface, I must end there hoping that in my zetetic endeavour of being a happy slave, I will get further insight and be able to grow and go big in the new found venture. 

Hasta La Vista, Baby.

[Photo Source: Google Images].


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