Let me keep it simple

Saturday 21 September 2024

Breaking a sweat

Sweating is one of the best ways to flush out toxins from the excretory system, maintain your body temperature and have a healthy lifestyle. When you sweat, it means that you have engaged in an activity that is disrupting the normal body's ecosystem. I am not implying you are sweating because it is hot outside but as a result of physical exertion, most probably working out. Being in an area with sweltering heat might provoke sweating to occur occasionally, but it's a better way to discover the type of environment your body is conditioned to acclimate to.

Exercising remains the best way to invigorate the body and induce a healthy sweat. Yet, the mere thought of working out causes the body to instinctively cringe and involuntarily shudder. It is rarely an activity you approach with fervent zeal and enthusiasm. Very few can transform working out from being a daunting task into a rewarding ritual that makes the body look forward to such a positive experience.

Ideally, you force your body to go through the torture and discomfort associated with physical exercises. Even simple exercises like raising your arms can be challenging if you are not accustomed. It may appear simple to hold your hands aloft for 2 minutes until you have to start progressing from easy to extra strenuous versions that add complexity. 

If you increase the number of repetitions and sets, then your body automatically ignites that burning sensation which makes you want to stop. It is normally a fiery sensation of building muscle strength and endurance. Over time, you adapt and become more resilient. However, if you make the mistake of forgoing consistency, you might go back to square one.

Once in a while I exercise because I sit a lot. In a day, I spend close to 12 hours seated in a single position because I am working to make money or engage in other hobbies that involve sitting like writing and reading. The two hobbies are closely linked and have a strong correlation between them which is why I allocate a lot of time to them. Luckily, I can still sharpen my mind and strengthen my mental muscular memory while in bed by using my phone or a book or an e-reader if you have one, I don't own one. I prefer reading eBooks hence my phone is the one-stop shop for perusal. Though I have a few physical books, I plan to increase my collection in the coming months, it has never crossed my mind that I should go to a bookshop or even order some online.

While reading can be done in bed, writing requires a chair and desk to candidly engage in it. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and when my sleep is disrupted because of saliva chock, cough or impending pee. If I have not fallen back to sleep after thirty minutes, I usually turn to reading blogs. What I realized works best is to skim through a book because there are sites that offer free eBooks provided you subscribe and become a member of the platform. The websites take advantage of your data and use it to their advantage to tailor advertisements that the web crawlers and algorithms think suit your age, gender and all other traits that they deduce from your profile given the kind of books you read. Of course, I clear cookies, cache and web history after a while to avoid being marketed products that lead to frivolous purchases.

I often end up lousy and lethargic while indulging in the two hobbies. Fortunately, my body tends to signal me that I need to get moving to relieve the build-up the tension. Naturally, the body will become clenched and tensed because of the sedentary lifestyle associated with comfort. My daily routine is simple; I wake up in the morning, brush my teeth and shower. Then dive into the day. Subtly, if you work from home, like yours truly, there is a high likelihood you may get caught up in tasks that stretch for long without pausing for a breather.

That is where a smart band comes in handy. Depending on your lifestyle, after every 1 or two hours you lead, you get a gentle reminder to be up and about. When you have been in the same state for a long time, you might end up being stiff due to prolonged inertia. That is why a band comes with ingenuous nudges to encourage you to stretch and stay limber.

One of the regions in the body that usually ends up in pain is the lower back because if you are not in a job that involves a lot of sitting, then you are naturally inclined to stand. Standing is good. You rarely end up having so much pain because you will find yourself walking at some point while engaging in it. 

That cannot be said of sitting. You are likely to forget to move out of that sitting position because you are engrossed in an important activity or task that occupies so much of your time. I normally suffer from lower back pains and sometimes, I just overlook the issue because I see no need to work on the body. When you sit down to read, I have devised a strategy in which I do around 50 pages in one hour. Sometimes it can stretch to 1.5 hours depending on the mood I am in. Ideally, if I spend 3 hours reading, I don't even notice that I was engrossed in perusal. 

Unfortunately, writing and reading occupy so much of my time to an extent that I end up forgetting that I need to stretch my body. I love lower back stretches because they are less intensive and help with cardiovascular healing and strengthening the core. Body exercises like body tilts, cobra pose, child pose, planks, bird dog pose and an array of other exercises have come in handy in the recent past. If you do the bridge it helps with lowering back pain because it acts on the region that is strained.

You may end up having a slight stoop. You never notice that the body is in distress because you sit down longer than usual. What I love about the exercises is that they are freely available on various platforms that fitness enthusiasts have profiles on. I rely more on YouTube for my workouts because it has an array of exercises that you can choose depending on the stage you are in life. You may decide to choose beginner-friendly exercises and then slowly advance to pro exercises. However, it is easier said than done. All involve dedication. If you spend most of your time in the house, there is a high likelihood that you are going to suffer from little or no desire to work out because you are causing pain to the body.

The results are what sometimes keeps me going strong. After Covid-19, most jobs that did not involve meeting clients directly could be done from home. I have been working from home and I have never looked back because it has offered me a chance to engage in what  I love doing other than the job I am paid for monthly. Someone who does his own job once told me that he cannot wait to be paid only 12 times in a year. You get broke and then, you have to wait till the end of the month before you can be paid again. Covid came with body weights increasing to a point where you could not walk the way you were used to. I could barely do 5000 steps without sweating and my body was drenched in excretion. That is why I started working out.

Along the way, my body regained its former shape and now, I have to work very hard because I have a pot belly. I used to do exercises that involved cutting down weight and now, I am fit judging with my body shape. However, when it comes to Yoga-like exercises, that is where I draw the line.

Hasta La Vista, Baby.



Breaking a sweat

Sweating is one of the best ways to flush out toxins from the excretory system, maintain your body temperature and have a healthy lifestyle....