Let me keep it simple

Saturday 10 August 2024

What's Next

What do you do when you lose your train of thought? There comes a time when you have a very interesting and punchy idea that you had thought would be the kicker that you intend to cash on only for it to end up evanscenting in thin air. It happens especially when you are creative and in such a case, you have to either accept the outcome or you sit down and hope that the thought will resurrect from the gabions or gorges that got lost in the medulla. 

Subtly there is always this unrelentless pursuit in life where, once you have solved an issue or a problem, another also comes about because problems compound. For instance, you may intend to pass an exam so you do all it takes to see to it that you study diligently until you finish the examination. Once you have finished that huddle, then another arises of what is next. We are in a maze where there is always something that needs to be solved. And the maze is such that you cannot be able to forgo it. 

A few weeks ago, I happened to have repaired my stalled jalopy that had been lying unattended for the past 8 months and it came with several costs that only a car owner has to endure. Ideally, it is always good when you have to hail a cab or take a matatu. You only have to worry about reaching the final destination with the other obligations falling on the driver or the car owner. 

As usual, when you want to put a broken car back in motion, you have to spend many hours at the grease monkey. Always, you will be told about items that have broken down that need to be repaired. Had I a good camera to capture the moments, I would have done so and started a YouTube channel with all the steps and then hope I start my YouTube journey. You know the way that Youtubers normally say, 'Please like, subscribe, and don't forget to share this video with your friends and enemies because it means a lot to my channel.' I feel like we debase those who spend time and money trying to entertain us with their content that they have spent many hours trying to curate and edit for us busybodies to come and comment on. It's usually a way to get more people watching and then you get more ads and in turn more visibility and earnings.

Youtubers and social media chaps are the new celebrities in our realm. The gadgets urbanites own have made us associate more with those we see on the internet than those we see on traditional media like newspapers, TV, or those we listen to on Radio. I have no time for TV. It drags a lot. And I think the media stations should find a way to accommodate chaps like us because we have since forgotten that they even exist. And because we can easily be swayed by them, it makes sense to find what suits the average chap who is now drawn to the internet. The only time we remember that local media stations exist is when there is a certain important event or occasion that requires us to stay tuned. Otherwise, I think that the media station has been left to rural folk.

At the garage, you have to contend with all manner of people. This especially applies to the blue-collar mechanics who have set up shop just anywhere because they were able to convince the land owner that they are protecting the property from land grabbers because there are chaps who have a high proclivity for land. They can see idle land. In a few days, they will be selling the plot to an unsuspecting buyer because there is always that guy who has money that they want to invest in a meaningful venture. We usually say that people don't have the money yet the reality is, that there are those with more than enough, all they think of is where to invest the amount because they cannot also give it out for free. 

You need to know how to attract money. That is why there are individuals who have decided to go the amoral route of conning gullible individuals who have not done their due diligence have invested in skills aimed at convincing their target audience. Something funny about most investors is the ease with which they are trusting once they think they have found the right person to handle their capital they are willing to invest. Most of the time, we have very since and trustworthy institutions and firms that never swindle their clients. Otherwise, on rare occasions, you have to at some point be a victim of con agents. What I know is that so many individuals have been conned but they have to let go. They do not want to speak out because it can be embarrassing to document your folly. They may not want to go through the rigorous court process because the wheels of justice are sometimes very slow. In most cases, the con agents lure their targets with very irresistible offers to the extent that they cannot be able to resist the temptation of procuring the product being sold. A case in point could be an instance where an iPhone goes for half the price. Since you want the association that comes with owning the gadget, you go ahead and wire money to the recipient who vanishes in thin air upon receiving the deposit.

So much about life anecdotes but at the end of the day, life is structured in such a way that there is usually that which keeps us going. If you own a house, you are required to furnish it. And not just furnish, but you are also forced to ensure that the furniture is modern and classy enough to be in line with the current taste and preferences. Once you finish the house, you need to again maintain it. The compound also needs to look green and there is a whole lot of stuff that you need to do to ensure the place is serene. I mean, once you are done with a certain objective, it will create another that needs to be solved. And then it becomes a circuitous process with nothing but an endless stream of tasks that need to be solved.

Hasta La Vista Baby.



The Time Waster's Giddy

Is it true that those who keep time and effectively manage it are successful in life? Sometimes, I yearn to be occupied in an activity with ...