Let me keep it simple

Friday 18 December 2015


Hello from the other siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide.
Today, allow me to think out loud- literally.

I find serenity and intimacy in the art of scripting. It’s just a way to escape from the bitter realities of the world, it’s a serenading pacifier.

But I got issues. Too big I feel they will clog my system now that I am contemplating a new chapter full of less adventure. This missive is directed to her. So allow me to use the ‘second person point of view’.

Do you know the hardest thing in this world? Hold that thought.

Let me protest. You know you are dealing with a difficult person when you think you are winning when in the actual sense things are slowly hitting a snag. You feel like you want to call it quits, give up altogether and start on a new cruise, but you can’t. It’s like quitting coke, the moment you think you are free of it, that’s when the gremlins lead you into an overdose.

Ever tried outpouring your emotions in black and white, then in the middle of the discourse, you realize you lack the requisite diction to drive the point home? Albeit it may sound mundane, it’s actually awkward.

Enough of beating about the bush. This epistle has exactly 400 words. It’s about frustrations. Those that irk you to the bone you feel like exploding or better still shout, or clobber the wall with your clenched fist to release the rage within. Then you realize how impatient, how selfish and narcissistic you are.

Have you ever wished you knew how to strike the right cord? I love her witty banter, those gorgeous sounds that sound licentious when she giggles, those long periods of silence when nothing seems to revolve when she is on the other end, but most of all the time she afford yours truly. It melts the heart and you feel a sense of warmth like it’s a mollifying ballad.

I have a major bone of contention though. Of late I feel a wreck when she completely refuses to pick my call when I say am calling back. Is it a stratagem? Maybe not.

And for that reason, I never will pester calling because am on a sojourn. The twists and turns, I wish I could explain, I can’t.

But, no matter what, you deserve to be happy and live a joy filled life. Right.

Hasta La Vista Baby.

[Picture Source: Modified Google Images]



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