Let me keep it simple

Thursday 2 April 2015


Having used the same word twice, I have no reason for doing so only that there was no better way that I could think of to execute it sagaciously.

I have always been fascinated by how life has become. There is this notion that among my peers that it is not easy out there. Yes it is not, but that does not mean we let nature takes its course. Ideally, there is always something to smile about even when things are not working out.

I remember a friend telling me the story of one chap whose old-man was a kind of rich. Yes, those chaps who suffer from jet lag and stuff and they have no time to waste with those who add no value to their lives. Albeit they are arrogant, they tend to be very lax on certain things because life does not bequeath upon an one all the skills in parenthood or juggling the jigsaw that is life.

In the works



About this season, there inevitably comes a point when you find yourself feeling under the weather, often without any prior planning or anti...