Let me keep it simple

Friday 17 October 2014

The illusions of Campus relationships

Woe unto you if you are in a relationship in campus. Worse is if the relationship is between you and a classmate. Few campus relationships see the light of day. This is especially when the couple exit from the miasma of the deception that is campus. I am sure less than 5% of those who finish campus as couples ever make it to the altar. Those who ever do realized something that their fellow mates never. It has to do with maturity and sense of responsibility.

There was a chic in our class, let’s call her Shirley. Shirley was that chic who was super hot. As a freshman, she did excite the love and lust tendons among mates. Many even did fear her. The ravenous ones just wanted a piece of her to brag to the rest of their conquered acquisition. Yet behind that beauty of yore did lie some gullibility in her. 

Inquisitive, I did ask those who were interested as she was like a hot trending topic. Many stories emerged. I never verified whether they were true or not. In fact I would rather say they were full of malice and conjecture. You know, when men become jealous and they find it hard to win the heart of that one person many are eying, they resort to slander.

There was one anecdote that went like this. Shirley, aware of her charm decided to entertain all the potential suitors. A close pal intimated to me that one of his friends tried to test his luck. He took her to the best club Helb could afford. He was feeling dope and thought he had the looks. But Shirley never thought of him as well oiled. He never nested the bird.

Another lucky bugger from one of the best national schools then tried his hand and again he failed the test. His financial muscles where not juggernaut enough. He also suffered the fate of the former. Lady luck smiled on him though, he left campus and joined a flying school and currently he makes real big bucks.

Then a lucky chap won her heart. It is said he had the necessary billing to ensure that the new found relationship did last. Money it is said won the heart of Shirley. Being taken for pizza, food in the students centre and a whole lot of other goodies she consented or in street parlance ‘aliingia box’. Indeed money can buy love. For those who are not deep pocketed, sorry, try to sharpen your vibing skills or try deception. 

After the union, people waited for a break up. Theirs was a confining relationship. The lady was tucked by her man each and everywhere they went. Grapevine had it that she did fear competition from other equally pretty girls who would snatch her, the one and only. The lad also in fear of team ‘mafisi’ that his lady would walk away never let her go. 

Its years now and they are tighter than ever. They saw the light and henceforth became servile to Christ and that is a plus. A conniving friend was once invited by the lady to her Bible study and my oh my, the lad could not resist. He never went to hear the word. His main motive was to win the lady and probably eat what was served. He was the type of eat and run. They became friends. He occasionally went for the study but with a hidden agenda. I am not sure he succeeded in his quest.

What I am sure of is that sometimes some campus relationships do see the altar. One of my friends who was a senior and had a girlfriend in the same class ringed her girl at a white wedding. I bet Shirley and her beau will one time tie the knot and seal what was nurtured in campus. Still time will tell. It’s never that serious.

But that is one case where the barb never saw the light of day. I know of girls who out of innocence found boyfriends in their senior years. Unlucky them; some seniors used them and would kick them out in the dead of the night when they had finished their business. Still blinded by love, they stuck on thinking things would change. Am sorry to say some still stick to even worse abusive unions thinking things will change for the better.

A fellow mate was also in a relationship in campus. It is said his girlfriend was a virgin and a strict Christian. He was never allowed to taste the lady’s beefy curtains. But they slept on the same bed. When the chic was away visiting her peeps, the dude would call his ‘mpango wa kando’ and taste the forbidden fruit he had been denied. And mark you; he did exchange the lasses like a model does clothes. But still no one told his exquisitely beautiful gal. She stayed on. What I don’t really know is whether they will ever tie the knot.

Generally, campus relationships are generally about matters of the flesh. There are so many heart breaks just like there are very few happy endings. What I am sure of is that it is tricky sticking to one woman in campus. This especially applies to those fun loving and randy dudes who have to shake them legs and eye the next possible capture in a skirt. 

But I have to give it to the ladies. They are indeed foxier than some of the witty boys. The heavy machines, sleek contraptions and top of the range vehicles that are usually parked outside their halls of residence will cower even the bravest of a campus lad. Trust you me, many campus chics want something they never had in their formative years. With the new found freedom, it makes it easy to explore.

I remember one time coming from a lady friend’s room at night. Talk of the ten to ten rules. I was astounded to see a man in his early thirties. He was frightened beyond consideration. I guess he had also been given some serious lashing.  Some rogue campus goons even had the audacity to snatch his car keys and were driving his car at break neck speed skidding to portray their formula one skills. The chic was safely watching from a distance as the dude talked incoherently to the watchman. I later heard he was given back his car and he sped off. Ideally the goons were of the opinion that the dude had trespassed to snatch them a girl. 

That reminds me of a friend. He confessed that his days in a serious relationship may not be soon. His first year love went to the extent of inviting another dude in her room while he was in. Apparently, the lady thought nothing existed between the two. My friend was left hanging as the lady engaged in hearty conversation with the dude she had invited. He later told me that he is not yet through with the break ups. Before the end of campus, he had broken the heart of many an innocent freshman.

Another friend nicknamed ‘Akuku Danger’ never kept a girl for more than a semester. He had a penchant for light skinned ladies with a curvaceous derriere. Each time he came with a new one, I became accustomed to his ways. At one time in the library, he saw one such chic and he did not waste time. I never asked further but I guess he saw to it that he got the French fry dip. 

Then there is this lecherous dude who was christened the darling of all the ladies. I bet he had suffered heartbreak before, being an Arts student and having plenty of time, he invested in changing classmates like a motor enthusiast. He would sleep with more than three ladies on any given day callously. Never mind that he exposed himself to many risks. Nevertheless none of the ladies ever noticed and when they became aware they still shrugged it off. I am told they still went back even when they knew that the dude was a quintessential player. 

I am sure there are lots of other stories that are never exposed or will later be exposed. Campus is sometimes an illusion. If your girlfriend gets a job before you, she may accommodate you. But chances are she may not want a bug and may drop you like a person who accidentally catches a hot object. When it is a man, Mtu wa dunia, trust you me the dude will use the money to entertain many girls before thinking of ever settling down. He will still maintain the lady but at a distance then when the time is ripe and he decides to settle down, the lady if a keeper, will walk down the aisle.


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