The world is a marketplace of ideas and it all depends on how you put across your opinion. If you are convincing and believable, people will buy into your ideas and adopt them as the gospel truth even though they may be full of half-truths, falsehoods, and propaganda. That is the reason why a lie told many times ends up as a credential.
The infallibility of human nature is the reason why we have to allow dissenting ideas that we would not since it would be like being muzzled in a way. I am not an expert in matters of opinion and I would love to learn how people reason. The way you convince others that perhaps this is how matters are and that is how they should be henceforth.
It's the thought process that matters in our endeavors. What you think is what you become and society comes in to assist in propagating that ideology. We make simple the complex and the converse is also true. The rationale with which you approach an issue is the reason why it may fail or succeed depending on the input you put into it.
I won't say that I am lethargic as a person, but I seemingly find myself in a situation where I just do not feel like doing what I should have done prior. Time is moving fast and age will catch up. When it does, you will look back and feel like you should have made strides in your life. Which may be impossible to reserve. For instance, a 60-year-old who would have loved to be a teacher may find herself unable to do so because the circumstances do not allow it due to age advancement.
Every day when I wake up, I have wished I could adhere to the 5 am club rule. I have not yet read the book on how to harness genius-grade productivity and use it as a companion for a life lived beautifully. It does not feature among the books I would love to engross myself to find value and pursue as a life tenet. Maybe I read it and see if it applies in my case. If it does not, like most of the good books I have read, they become gems in my daily composition.
Whether it is me or most people are apathetic, I have no idea. I am one type of person who has to sometimes force myself to do what I do not want yet I have routinely done in the past. It is waking up in the morning, time management, and the whole issue of being disciplined and remaining committed to a course.
Luckily, all is not lost because when I decide to engage, I fully get immersed in the action and forget about the world around me for a few minutes before I think about the need to connect again with the rest of the world. The world is a stage, and we have various characters in it. You resign to the fate that life presents since that is the life you have somehow got used to. Once you have resigned to fate and let the situation take its course, there is a high likelihood you will never fully recover if you take no immediate action.
Sometimes, I find I just want to let go. Sometimes, I lose hope and feel like what I am doing is not worth the struggle. The good thing is that it comes after I have finished what I need to do and pondering on what to do next. The next day, I wake up fresh and go back to start again because it is good to be back to what you normally do. And you passionately pursue the endeavor like you have started afresh.
The worst is when you decide to take a break and create the impression you will consider taking up from where you left. That is a fallacy that we engage in and more often than not the outcome is, that you end up leaving it to the dogs. There is a high chance even if you pick up from where you left off, you will not achieve the same outcome.